School belongingness in academically at-risk adolescents: Addressing psychosocial functioning and psychological well-being
Journal of Happiness and Health,
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023),
10 April 2023,
Page 1-13
The fundamental psychological need for belongingness in the school setting is a crucial determinant of students’ school-based and overall functioning in life. This study aims to examine the effects of school belongingness on resilience (academic resilience and buoyancy), social support, psychological well-being, and distress in academically at-risk adolescents. The study participants comprised 257 academically at-risk adolescents attending a public secondary and high school in a city in Turkey. Students were 42% (n = 109) female and 58% (n = 148), ranging in age between 11 and 18 years (M = 13.825, SD = 1.673). Results revealed that a school-based sense of inclusion was significantly and positively related to academic resilience, academic buoyancy, social functioning, and psychological well-being, but negatively to psychological and emotional distress. These findings highlighted the crucial role of school belonging for academically high-risk adolescent groups' mental health and wellbeing. All findings were discussed under the related literature and suggestions were made for future research and practices.