Research Articles

Reliability and Validity of Self-Hate Scale in Turkish Community Sample

Burcu Büge, Yusuf Bilge

Journal of Happiness and Health, Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022), 10 October 2022, Page 61-69

The purpose of this study was to adapt the self-hate scale (SHS; Turnell et al., 2018) into Turkish in a community sample, and test the validity and reliability of the measure. The study was conducted with 234 individuals. After the translation procedures, the language equivalence was examined, and a significant positive relationship was found between the Turkish and English forms. Findings of the reliability and validity analyses indicated that the Turkish SHS confirmed seven items in one factor with good factor loadings. Good fit values and reliability coefficients were determined with the SHS-Turkish Form. Self-hate was positively correlated with self-disgust, behavior-based self-disgust, physical appearance-based self-disgust, depression, anxiety, and interpersonal sensitivity. Self-hate also indicated a negative correlation with self-compassion. Simple linear regression analyses results showed that self-hate predicted depression, anxiety, and interpersonal sensitivity scores. These results demonstrated that the SHS-Turkish Form can be validly and reliably performed to Turkish culture.

Contributing to a Healthier World: Exploring the Impact of Wellbeing on Nursing Burnout

Charles Sanders, Jolanta Burke, Andrew Muzyk

Journal of Happiness and Health, Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022), 10 October 2022, Page 70-86

Nursing burnout is a challenge for both the nursing profession and healthcare organizations. While research on burnout in healthcare is robust, including its contribution to the absence of wellbeing, e.g., depression and anxiety; little is known about its association with positive dimensions of wellbeing, e.g., engagement and life meaning, which is what the current research aimed to address. A total of 146 practising nurses, mostly female (98%), aged M= 45.03, SD= 13.31 residing in the United States completed an online survey assessing their burnout on the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory and wellbeing on the Mental Health Continuum and Workplace PERMA Profiler. Hierarchical multiple regression showed that after controlling for physical health, (1) wellbeing constructs explained various types of burnouts differently, (2) wellbeing, as measured by mental health continuum, did not predict work-related and client-related burnout, (3) the presence of positive emotions predicted lower levels of personal and work-related burnout; however, engagement was instrumental in predicting client-related burnout. The results highlight the need to measure positive outcomes using flourishing models of wellbeing. Furthermore, given that not all positive outcomes showed association with burnout, the research identified the need for nuanced approach to addressing burnout in nurses when using flourishing models. These findings can assist researchers and practitioners in further understanding of the impact of burnout on wellbeing and become a springboard for exploring the application of positive psychology interventions for reducing and preventing burnout and enhancing wellbeing.

Relationships between Life Satisfaction, Happiness and Meaning in Life in Pregnancy during COVID-19 Pandemic

Silvia Majercakova Albertova, Veronika Bolekova

Journal of Happiness and Health, Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022), 10 October 2022, Page 87-97

While it was established that COVID-19 pandemic had negative consequences on several aspects of mental health, little is known about the role of positive mental health indicators in pregnant women during this period. The purpose of the present study was to examine relationships between meaning in life, life satisfaction and happiness and the extent to which meaning in life predicts life satisfaction and happiness. The sample consisted of 161 pregnant women from Slovakia. Data were collecting using Life Meaningfulness Scale, Satisfaction with Life Scale and Subjective Happiness Scale. As predicted, results showed that meaning in life is a predictor of life satisfaction and happiness. Higher happiness was related to increasing degree of meaning in life and absence of pregnancy-related health problems. 65% of participants reported high level of satisfaction with life and 48% of participants reported higher happiness than average person. These findings provide evidence for associations between meaning in life, life satisfaction and happiness in Slovak pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic and indicate that despite negative consequences of the pandemic, positive indicators of mental health in pregnancy play a significant role

Writing One’s Own Obituary: Student Reflections on an Assignment in a Positive Psychology Class

Jackelyn B. Payne, Devan M. Jones, J. Susie Hwang, Huma Babar, Elizabeth Tse, K. Olivia Mock, Anne Moyer, PhD

Journal of Happiness and Health, Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022), 10 October 2022, Page 98-107

Writing one’s own obituary has been promoted as a means to feel less anxiety regarding death and, as an experiential educational exercise, to clarify one’s values and goals and crystalize one’s professional visions. This study examined students' responses to engaging in an exercise that involved writing one’s own obituary as part of a college course in positive psychology. We conducted a qualitative content analysis of 97 assignments using a grounded theory approach. Students reported that they wanted to be remembered for positive personal characteristics and making a difference in people’s lives. Elements of a satisfying life included achievements both in the personal realm, as well as contributions to others and the world. Importantly, student reflections on the assignment indicated that they acknowledged that it was valuable in serving as a motivator to strive towards an ideal self, although some made comments relating to downplaying the role of achievements. Our findings contribute to prior literature exploring how psychology students interact with and benefit from experiential exercises in the classroom. They also provide much-needed insights into the subjective experiences of individuals engaging in this well-known positive psychology intervention.