Embracing life's challenges: Developing a tool for assessing resilient mindset in second wave positive psychology
Journal of Happiness and Health,
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024),
5 April 2024
Page 1-10
The purpose of this study is to develop and validate the Resilient Mindset Scale (RMS), a brief tool designed to measure resilient mindset among Turkish individuals. Additionally, the study aims to explore the relationship between resilient mindset and mental well-being among adolescents and young adults, providing further evidence in this domain. The exploratory factor analysis, conducted with a sample of 327 participants, revealed that the RMS has a unidimensional structure consisting of six items that effectively measure core indicators of a resilient mindset. Subsequent confirmatory factor analysis, conducted with a sample of 338 participants, confirmed the one-factor structure, demonstrating a good-data model fit with strong factor loadings and internal reliability estimates. Further analyses demonstrated moderate to strong correlations between resilient mindset and mental well-being indicators. Moreover, the latent variables path model revealed that the measurement model had a moderate to strong predictive effect on positive academic functioning, psychological well-being, and psychological distress. These findings establish the psychometric reliability and validity of the RMS as a measurement tool for assessing a resilient mindset among adolescents and young adults. Mental health providers can integrate the concept of a resilient mindset into therapeutic approaches and interventions to foster resilience and enhance mental well-being.
- Resilient mindset, resilience, well-being, positive psychology, second wave positive psychology (PP2.0)
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