The Journal of Happiness and Health is experiencing record levels of submissions. As a result, we are seeking additional qualified reviewers. We invite you to join our family of reviewers and look forward to hearing from you.
The Journal of Happiness and Health uses an open journal system (OJS) that makes reviewing efficient. Reviewers who continue to provide quality reviews will have priority for consideration as Editorial Board members and Associate Editors of the journal.
The current reviewers are also invited to update their profiles and research interests in the Journal of Happiness and Health. With updated information, we will be able to assign manuscripts that better match your fields of study. We send our sincere thanks to those of you who have been our longtime active reviewers, Editorial Board members, and Associate Editors. Without your generosity and dedication, the journal would not have been able to maintain its reputation as a high-quality and top-tier journal in the field.
To Register as a new reviewer for the journal simply go to our OJS page at the following URL:
You can then register and request to be a reviewer in our system. Once there are submissions in your field, the editors will start to assign you manuscripts to review.